Vintage RCA 74-b Ribbon Microphone - 1940s
Vintage RCA 74-b Ribbon Microphone - 1940s
For sale here is a great old vintage RCA 74-b ribbon microphone. These entered production in the 1930s as a smaller and more budget friendly alternative to the RCA-44 series of microphones. The 74-b features a 2" ribbon length and has a warm, mid focused tone. Originally tuned for voice, the smooth and rounded tone of the 74-b makes them great for electric guitar, horns as well as delivering a timeless vocal tone that only a vintage ribbon mic can give. The figure of 8 nature of ribbon mics provide great side rejection and the proximity effect give these mics an intimate sound - picking up a lot less room than a large diaphragm condensor mic.
This mic is in good working order. These old ribbon mics can provide low level electrical interference when placed at the wrong position similar to that of a single coil guitar pickup. This mic has some interesting pencil date marks on the inside chassis indicating services from 1955 and 1974. This mic has a short XLR lead which makes it convenient for modern applications. Ribbon mics are low output. This sale includes a fet head phantom power booster to bring the input volume up to a strong level. Also included is an adjustable right angle mic join, which can be useful for pivoting this mic in a wide variety of different positions.